Monday, January 17, 2011

Doernbecher Take Two

Today was Adam's second surgery at Doernbecher Children's Hospital. This time the surgeon did the full Kasai procedure to correct his biliary artresia. The surgery went well, but we won't know for a couple weeks whether Adam's liver will cooperate and start draining bile into the loop of small intestine that is now directly attached to his liver. In the meantime, we will probably be in the hospital for about a week. Adam is still on an epidural to handle his pain and on antibiotics and steroids to keep down the inflammation and to help the liver accept the new state of affairs. They say that the steroids will make him swell up like a balloon, so now our twins might start looking more identical.

On the way to the hospital this morning we saw a vivid rainbow above the city of Portland. It was a beautiful reminder of God's covenant with us and how He fulfills his promises to His people. "All things work together for good for those who love God, for those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Oliver and Adam play on their blankets while we pack our bags for the hospital.

Aunties take care of the boys in the surgery waiting room.

Adam getting a last minute hug before going down the hall to the operating room.

Oliver conks out on Auntie Jessica as we wait.

The Lortz family likes to play games, even in hospital waiting rooms.

Our little boy fresh out of the operating room, with breathing tube, heart monitor, and a wicked new scar.

At least he's too doped up to feel much right now.

Still cute, even after five hours on the operating table.

 Sleep tight!


  1. Thank you Rose for the update...we have been praying all day! God is so good! We will continue to lift up little Adam before our Heavenly Father. He is the great Physician! Try to get some rest and please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything else we can do to help. ((hugs to you all))

  2. PS. Loved seeing the pictures! Their smiles are just precious! :)

  3. Rosanne, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We went through some hard medical stuff with my son when he was a baby. I know it is hard but they are so beautiful and lovable your heart aches for them when they have a hard time. Be brave. I spent today in the Tuality hospital with my husband too we just got home and I could not help but send you my prayer. Hey I got something that might just make you smile, I listed you in my Best of 2010.

  4. Thank you for the update and the pictures! You all are in our prayers.

  5. Amen! God has a wonderful plan for little Adam, and he looks cuter than ever! If there is anything I can do, don't be hesitant in asking!

  6. Thank you for the update and pictures! We were praying here all day and will keep praying for all you guys!

  7. Thanks for the pictures and update Rose...praise God for His sustaining grace and unfailing love. We will continue to pray for you all as the adventure presses onward...may God bring full healing to Adam, and strength to you and David.

  8. Thanks for taking the time to post pictures and keep us all updated. Your boys are precious. We'll continue praying!

  9. Lots of people praying, David and Rose. From Virginia to Louisiana to Indiana, all the way to Oregon. Konnie and I plan to get by later this week.

  10. Thank you for keeping those that cannot be there in person up to date on Adam's condition and progress . We are constantly in prayer for his complete recovery. I pray daily that Adam will grow into manhood and will bring glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.Praying also for Oliver to remain healthy and to grow up to be a man for God's glory. we love you ,and our tears are shed for your family.
