There's something glorious about having the summer "off." I thought that when I gave up teaching I would no longer have that to look forward to. But with David being in school at George Fox University, I now have his holidays to anticipate, and I think that I've never been so excited about summer break as I have been this year.
During the spring semester David was taking a full class load and working four days a week, which meant that on some days he left the house at 7:30am and didn't get home until 11:30pm. Not the happiest of schedules for him, and definitely not the happiest of schedules for me and the twins. But now that school is out, he has Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off, and gets to stay home the rest of the days until the early afternoon (since he works swing shift). We've been enjoying our summer and the twins, and like everything else in my normal schedule, this blog has been put on the back burner.
Here are some pictures of our summer "off."
Adam experiences Pop Rocks for the first time |
Oliver crawls under Adam in the Exersaucer |
Uh-oh...Mommy's caught us playing with her shoes AGAIN! |
Waiting in line for "Elephant Ears" at the Oregon Zoo |
"There's the elephant, Oliver!" |
"And here's a wild pig, in case you're interested." |
Eating solid food is so much fun! |
It's nice to always have a friend to play with! |
This summer has been so amazing (well, ok, not the weather, just everything else) that I don't want it to end. I assumed that George Fox, like most semester schools, would be starting up mid-August. But David informed me just this week, that his first day of school is not until August 29. That's two more weeks of summer than I thought we were going to have!